Get Comfortable
In Your Own Skin
Battling rosacea can be a tough fight. If you're experiencing uncomfortable or harsh home remedies or treatments, it's time to give Chicago Skin Clinic a visit.
Our board-certified dermatologists, Dr. Danny Del Campo and Dr. Danilo Del Campo, are prepped and ready to create a unique and customized treatment so you can take control of your symptoms and lead a comfortable life.
What Is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that typically starts to affect people in their middle ages (40 – 60 years old) — particularly if you have fair skin.
Although more common in women, men aren't spared from rosacea and often experience more severe symptoms. The severity of your rosacea may also vary. Sometimes you’ll experience an increase in the intensity of your symptoms based on certain triggers. When your rosacea is in remission, you may only have mild symptoms — or even none at all.
Rosacea typically occurs on your cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose. Symptoms include:
- Flushing and redness
- Dilated blood vessels
- Small red bumps
- Pus-filled spots (which can appear tiny)
Rosacea can also cause uncomfortable inflammation of the eyes and eyelids, known as ocular rosacea.
Causes of Rosacea
Rosacea is an inflammatory condition that shows itself in the skin. Several factors can trigger rosacea and cause the blood vessels in the skin of the face to enlarge and dilate.
While some theories suggest that rosacea may be due to skin or gut bacteria, these are unproven. However, antibiotics have proven helpful in treating rosacea, not likely for their antibacterial action but rather for their anti-inflammatory properties.
One factor is clear, though: Rosacea isn’t contagious, so you can’t catch it from a friend or family member. However, various factors may trigger a flare-up, including:
- Alcohol
- Exercise
- Extreme temperatures
- Hot drinks and Spicy foods
- Stress
- Sunlight
Treating Rosacea
Currently, rosacea has no cure, but you can manage your rosacea in a number of ways to improve your overall well-being. At Chicago Skin Clinic, we believe in a personalized approach to treating rosacea, as individual symptoms can vary.
Our dermatologists, Dr. Danilo Del Campo and Dr. Danny Del Campo, will customize your treatment plan based on the severity of your rosacea, the type of rosacea lesions, and your medical history, all in order to control and prevent the worsening of the condition.
Topical Agents
Treatment for rosacea involves a combination of self-care measures and medications. Topical agents — such as creams, gels, and ointments — that contain antibiotics, antiparasitics, or vasoconstrictors can help treat flushing, redness, and mild rashes.
If you’re experiencing eye irritation, your dermatologist may recommend eye drops or ointments that contain antibiotic or immunosuppressant medications.
Oral Medications
While oral medications, including antibiotics and retinoids, can help manage your rosacea, they're mostly used for moderate to severe cases. The anti-inflammatory properties, as well as their antibiotic effects, can help you reduce and assist in rosacea.
Laser & Light-Based Therapies
Laser and light-based therapies are an extra tool in our arsenal. These treatments help shrink your blood vessels, making them less noticeable.
We may also utilize laser therapy to remove excess tissue if you have developed thickened skin. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove thickened skin.
Managing the Day-to-Day
While living with rosacea can be challenging, there are ways to take an active part in controlling your condition.
One of the most important self-care measures is identifying your triggers. Keeping a written record of what makes your rosacea worse can help identify your triggers.
Treating your skin gently, like opting for cleansers and moisturizers made for sensitive skin, can help reduce the severity of rosacea. Avoiding exfoliants and alcohol-based products while wearing plenty of SPF 30 or higher sunscreen formulated for the face can also help.
If you're experiencing eye irritation, be proactive. Be alert for eye redness or burning; if these symptoms occur, see your doctor immediately. We may recommend scrubbing your eyelids gently with an eye cleanser and applying a slightly warm compress a few times daily.
See About Rosacea Today
Remember, while rosacea is a chronic condition, it doesn't have to control your life. At Chicago Skin Clinic, our board-certified dermatologists, Dr. Danny Del Campo and Dr. Danilo Del Campo, have the industry expertise and up-to-date techniques to provide you with unique and effective treatment.
We're here to be your rosacea specialists today and help you take a step towards healthier, happier skin.